Enabling VoLTE

1. Install the MagiskHidePropsConf module

Magisk modules

Since our /system folder is an erofs (enhanced read only file system), we cannot actually modify the build.props file to update our VoLTE settings. Instead we use this module which will substitute it with an modifiable proxy.

  1. Download MagiskHidePropsConf module as a zip file
  2. Open Magisk and click on the Modules section.
  3. Click on Install from storage.
  4. Select the MagiskHidePropsConf-*.zip module and install it.
  5. Reboot phone for module to take effect.

2. Update systemless build.props

  1. Enter ADB shell: ./adb.exe shell sh.
  2. Gain root (superuser) access: su.
  3. Grant root permission when Magisk popup appears.
  4. Check that we are root (superuser): whoami.
    • If you are root you it should print root.
    • If this didn’t work it would print: shell.
  5. Set build.props properties using our module: props [field] [value].
    • Press y to confirm setting.
    • Press n to avoid reboot since we want to set multiple properties.
    • Refer to the following list of properties for our desired values.
  6. After you are done reboot your phone.
Field Value
persist.data.iwlan.enable true
persist.dbg.ims_volte_enable 1
persist.dbg.volte_avail_ovr 1
persist.dbg.vt_avail_ovr 1
persist.dbg.wfc_avail_ovr 1
persist.radio.calls.on.ims 1
persist.radio.data_con_rprt 1
persist.radio.data_ltd_sys_ind 1
persist.radio.rat_on combine
ro.config.hw_volte_dyn false
ro.config.hw_volte_icon_rule 2
ro.config.hw_volte_on true
ro.config.hw_volte_show_switch true
ro.config.hw_vowifi true
ro.config.hw_vowifi_mmsut true

Taken from the following links:

3. Enable VoLTE

Mobile settings Mobile settings

  1. Open Settings > Wirless & Networks > Mobile networks.
  2. Toggle the VoLTE option.
  3. Perform a test call to confirm that VoLTE is working.
    • The VoLTE logo should also be present in the top left of your phone status bar.
    • Check your call history to see if the VoLTE logo is next to the call.