(Optional) Patching recovery

I will be providing the original and patched recovery_ramdisk.img image.

The recovery_ramdisk_magisk.img image is the patched output from the following steps.

1. Download your stock image

  1. Download from HuaweiStockRom.
  2. Depending on whether or not the free links work or are expired, you may need to pay for a paid link.

2. Extracting recovery_ramdisk

Output folder

  1. Unzip your downloaded stock image.
  2. Find the file UPDATE.APP which stores all of our partitions.
  3. Download the image splitting Python script.
  4. Extract the partition: python ./split_image.py ./UPDATE.APP.
  5. Find the recovery_ramdisk.img image from the /output folder.

3. Patching recovery_ramdisk with Magisk

The following is based on the following instructions from Magisk.


Patch Patch

  1. Copy the recovery_ramdisk.img to your phone.
    • Use USB cable and copy over to internal storage.
    • Or copy to a SD card and insert it into your phone.
  2. Download and install Magisk to your phone (doesn’t require root to patch image)
  3. Open the Magisk app.
  4. Press the Install button.
  5. Select the Select and Patch a File option.
  6. Browse to where the recovery_ramdisk.img image is located
  7. Wait for the patching to finish.
  8. Copy the patched image magisk_patched-*.img from the Downloads folder.
    • By default Magisk is configured to save patched images to Downloads.
    • If it isn’t present read the text log after patching to determine where it is located.